CAMPI 2 open call

Sample handling is one of the major challenges in metaproteomics research. Directly after sample collection, the taxonomic composition and the ecosystem functioning maybe be influenced by sample storage and transportation (including exposure to temperature, humidity, pH, O2, etc).

Here, we launch CAMPI-2 (Critical Assessment of MetaProteome Investigation) focusing on methods for preserving metaproteome profile of a given sample before microbiota analyses.

We are looking for volunteering labs who will apply methods to stabilize a fecal and/or soil sample. The idea is to assess the effect of “storage” and “transportation” on the microbiome sample. The expected CAMPI-2 result is to provide a standard procedure for sample handling and transportation.

More information can be found on the CAMPI 2 page.

CAMPI2 overview

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